Here I Am


Bible Verse

“Some time later, God tested Abraham’s faith. “Abraham!” God called. “Yes,” he replied. “Here I am.”

Genesis ‭22‬:‭1


In Genesis 22, God calls on Abraham with a command that will test his faith more than ever before and Abraham replies simply with “Here I Am”.

I pray that we can all have the type of relationship with God where we can reply with a “Here I Am” posture when He calls on us. That we be ready to respond and willing to live with surrender. That we can have the type of faith that follows where He leads.

Abraham would go on to show tremendous faith through a tough situation and receive blessings for generations to come! If you wanna hear more about this story, check out our latest podcast episode “Tough Love, Part One”.


Pray Boldly


The Way, The Truth and The Life