God raised the Lord!


Bible Verse

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:

Proverbs 31:28


My wife, the mother of our children, and the queen of our family is so very special to me . I feels so fortunate to have a life partner who truly is a blessing from God. This drawing was done in honor of all mothers for the many and very crucial roles they play within our families.

I’ve always loved to this passage from Proverbs 31 describing the qualities of a virtuous wife. It’s an inspiring goal for any wife/mother, and although the times have changed the principles are timeless. A woman who helps the needy, speaks out with wisdom and love, acts with kindness, who fears the Lord and strives to obey Him as well as pass on the teachings of HIS way to those around her.


Sunday is coming!


He is risen!